I've had far better days than yesterday. I've had far worse days, though, and at least today I can start fresh.
That is as soon as the bile stops rising into my throat and sending me on a sprint to the bathroom, which is what happened several times in the middle of the night. I can't decide if the distress is from the inhuman amount of food I consumed last night at a birthday dinner with friends (a bright spot in an otherwise lousy day) or the phone call with my attorney that kept me screeching all the way home from work yesterday afternoon. Probably a little of both.
I am not sure if any of my wrath made an impact, but I am pretty confident that my attorney will never again make the mistake of repeating to me the nonsense that spews from my husband's attorney's mouth. And you cannot even imagine how thrilled I was to hear that after almost two years of collecting fees for lord knows what the attorney from hell has finally realized what the one true issue is in the case from hell. Naturally, her well thought out solution is to totally screw me, but that's no surprise. I just wish I could describe the sheer delight I felt upon hearing that my attorney, my husband's attorney, and his accountant were able to agree on something -- that their fees should be paid first out of the ever dwindling pie.
Yep, there's zealous representation going on, just not of me. Like I said, though, today I have a chance for a fresh start -- bile or no bile -- and when I skimmed through the MSNBC headlines on my home page I was immediately struck by a bit of good news. Pippa Middleton says it's okay to wear leggings as pants. You know, the kind of pants that don't need to be covered by a long sweater, the kind that can be deemed sufficient butt coverage for public consumption. And if her royal hotness says it's okay, who am I to argue? (Of course Pippa could probably wear granny underpants and make them look sexy but tasteful. As for the rest of us commoners whose butts have not been blessed with royal perfection, I think we have a civic duty to hang on to those long sweaters and flowing tunics. Some things just shouldn't be shared.)
I, for one, will be covering my own ass when I wear leggings. Let's face it, if history is any indication, nobody else is going to do it for me.
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