Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Crazy Bitch, Silly Rabbit

I can't imagine what possessed my friend to send me this card. When I think of amusement parks, I think sweaty people with tattoos and miles of concrete littered with the detritus of greasy fast food. And vomit. Lots of vomit.

That can't be right. This is a friend who cares deeply about me, a friend who would never shovel more dirt on me as I try desperately to dig myself out of a ditch. Someone who has seen the crazy bitch part rear its ugly head more than a few times but still insists there's lots of good that lies beneath. An amazing amusement park, apparently.

Maybe she's on to something. I may not be a fan of amusement parks but that certainly doesn't mean they lack appeal. Hardly; why else would zillions of folks repeatedly spend ridiculous sums of money to wait in endless lines on steaming hot days just to get some brief and not so cheap thrills? No match, I should think, for lying on the couch watching NCIS reruns, but there's no accounting for bad taste.

I like to think I have an open mind, so I'm reevaluating my somewhat negative view of amusement parks. Tilt-a-Whirl, death defying roller coasters, fun houses. Dizzying (not to be confused with nauseating), exhilarating (without being masochistic), full of surprises? I can see how some people might find all those things a bit more scintillating than binging on bonbons while fantasizing about Mark Harmon.

Nobody needs a steady diet of crazy bitchiness, but sometimes you just need to take the bad with the good. Especially when the good is as good as an amusement park. So I'm going to let myself off the hook. Every once in a while, even the most sane among us needs to boil a bunny or two to get ourselves out of the damn rabbit hole.

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