At least three people had told me that day alone the name of the site I should go to to select my domain name for my fledgling writing business. Still unclear about the meaning of "domain name," I managed to remember the name of the site. Or so I thought.
As it turns out, "Go Daddy" and "Big Daddy," though they both refer to the same relative, are about as unrelated to each other as a dog is to a fish. At first I thought it was just an advertising ploy, a way of showing domain seekers how to craft an eye catching web page. Yipes. Eye catching, mouth opening, gasp emitting -- if these were the tricks of my new trade, I wasn't quite sure I could handle it. "Big Daddy" was, indeed, big, and, I suppose, theoretically, could have been about daddies, although there was not a womb in sight. Bigger than life size (at least in my life) penises were everywhere (and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere). Grown men looking like nymphs, flaunting their gargantuan wares for all to see. Yipes indeed. My legs are still crossed.
Note to self: delete Internet history so when my daughter logs on she doesn't think I'm batting for a team that, no doubt, does not have any use for me. It took me longer than it should have to realize I had traveled to the wrong place -- or maybe I was just in a state of shock -- but I finally navigated my way back to the far more innocuous "Go Daddy" site. Phew. Despite all the foreign sounding phrases about domain names and SSL certificates and search engine visibility and web hosting, I felt comfortably at home after my surprise foray into gay porn.
So I followed the instructions and created my domain name and established an email (three, actually) to go with it and charged it all to my credit card and, lo and behold I am now an entrepreneur. Although, to tell you the truth, I immediately searched the Internet for my new domain name and couldn't find it. For all I know, I'm advertising on "Big Daddy," with a big penis as my logo.
One day soon, I hope, I will become the master of my domain.
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