What is wrong with some people?
It's Saturday, it's sixty-six degrees, the sun is shining, and even the most curmudgeonly among us cannot resist a taste of the outdoors before the dark months descend. Or so one would think. I went for a leisurely stroll with Manny, both of us enjoying the sights (more me) and the smells (more him) of a spectacular October day. With Manny calling the shots and dictating the route -- usually circular -- we were out for a while. Naturally, we worked up quite a thirst.
So, first stop, Manny's water bowl, then we headed to the car to get me my daily Diet Coke from McDonald's. There is no fountain drink that compares to a medium Diet Coke from McDonald's. Yes, it must be a medium. The proportions -- ice to syrup to carbonation -- are perfect, and it is neither so small it disappears too quickly or so large it ends up watery from too much melted ice. Ambrosia.
It was two thirty in the afternoon, well after what should have been the lunch time rush, but as I approached the golden arches I saw the line of cars in the drive thru was already snaking out of the parking lot and onto the street. I won't wait more than fifteen minutes for a table in a popular restaurant, but, if I have to, I will suffer extraordinary inconvenience to quench my thirst for a McDonald's medium Diet Coke. Hey, there are worse habits (which is not to say I don't suffer from them as well).
So Manny and I chatted amicably as we continued to enjoy the sunshine (thank goodness for convertibles) until we were finally able to squeeze our way past the line of cars into the otherwise virtually empty parking lot. Yes, that's right. I parked. I got out of the car, walked the twenty-five steps to the entrance, and bellied up to the wide open counter to place my order. Granted, I had to fill the cup myself, which meant I might not get the ice to liquid ratio exactly right, but, as any addict knows, nothing beats a quick fix.
We pulled out, both of us feeling a bit smug as we zipped by the line, which seemed to have not moved at all. I had my medium Diet Coke, and, okay, I confess, we had our small order of fries. Off we went, happy to be getting back to our perfect fall day.
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