This claim about election fraud is disputed. This is how Twitter takes a stand, in a pale robin's egg blue, underneath the bold faced lie, in prominent black font. Oh, sure, there's a little > to the right of it, just in case any Kool-Aid consuming guzzler of Trump tweets is also inclined to read more than 280 characters, lower case. Two barely connected circles on a Venn diagram, I'd guess.
I've heard that a lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes. Especially when the truth is an afterthought, in pale robin's egg blue. I'd suggest an all caps THIS IS BULLSHIT at the top, but that's about as likely as an elected GOP'er doing the right thing, including his or her job.
The Supreme Court has spoken, without much elaboration to be sure, but at least it has done what, in times gone by, would have been a no-brainer, even though these days it had a lot of us on edge. But still, the next morning, with even the most zealous of the Supremes on board with the truth, there it was, a tiny footnote to a Trump tweet: This claim about election fraud is disputed. > The lie is on a whirlwind tour, and the truth is still barefoot.
I flipped on CNN, and there was some GOP congressman, one of the seditious amicus signatories, responding to a question about proof. I'm paraphrasing, but he indicated he has no proof that anyone ever landed on the moon either, because he wasn't there. Good one. I'm willing to bet this doubting Thomas believes in virgin births and the resurrection and ascension of a carpenter's son, whose message of peace and love reasonably translates into a message of hate and division, but I suppose we're all entitled to our own leaps of faith.
So, speaking of the media (and religion), Jesus Christ, stop it! Stop letting these elected "leaders" come on the air and suggest that the only way to convince their moronic constituents that Trump lost is by promoting baseless claims and conspiracy theories and chalking up each smackdown to an ever growing list of deep-staters. If they're too cowardly and corrupt to speak truth to their constituents, why give them any more oxygen?
And speaking of oxygen, we can't breathe. While the grifters and their minions get designer treatments on the taxpayers' dime, people are dying. While the grifters and their minions get out of jail free, regular people are starving. While the outgoing leader of the free world is feverishly trying to figure out how to avoid accountability for all his crimes, the investigation of Hunter Biden's taxes is a headline? Hunter Biden, the new Benghazi.
Here's an idea. Focus on the newly minted Persons of the Year. The Guardians of the Year. The President Elect and Madame Vice President Elect, Dr. Fauci, the frontline health care workers. The folks who do their jobs, speak truth, and ignore the noise because they're actually too busy. It's not as sexy as reality TV, but reality will be a refreshing change of pace, at least for most of us.
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