This morning, I filled out an online survey about my visit to Starbucks. I'll do almost anything for a free cup of coffee.
Questions, questions, questions. Yesterday, I agreed to interview for a promotion at the yoga store, and found it odd that I was coming up with responses to sell myself even though I have major misgivings about taking the job. More hours, more headaches, less flexibility, and a raise that, in the grand scheme of things, won't affect my life too much. Okay, well maybe I'll be able to afford a few little upgrades in the double wide, but certainly nothing too fancy. I would get a new title though, which is always a cool thing.
Jill Ocean, JD, CYI, ASM, blogger. What next? And which of those hard earned titles suits me best? As I waited in line at Starbucks the other morning, I heard a voice behind me ask "runner, cyclist, or triathlete?" After a few seconds, when I didn't hear anyone respond, I turned around and realized the guy was talking to me. Naturally; if I am nuts enough to be wearing work out shorts under my down jacket in the dead of winter, I must have some sort of title, a word that might help explain me. "None of the above," I told him. He seemed disappointed; he thought he had me pegged. Sure, I've run, I've cycled, and, if trying at least three sports (though not necessarily at the same time) counts, I've been a triathlete. But I'm already over defined -- JD, CYI, ASM (to be), blogger. There's simply no more room on the dotted line.
Come to think of it, the business cards I just ordered contain none of those impressive initials; it's as if I keep reinventing myself, hoping one day I'll figure out what people should call me. Frankly, the title that's stayed with me the longest is "mom," but somehow that hasn't made it to my resume. Funny, since motherhood has been my most intensive training ground, the role that has taught me how to solve problems as well as any jurist, to be as flexible as any yogi, and how to manage multiple tasks and all sorts of unruly people. And it's given me plenty of fodder for my blog.
Who am I? I suppose it depends on who's asking.
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