So, if you're like me, you call a spade a spade, and, if you're like me, you almost start to like Mitt Romney when he calls Newt Gingrich zany. I rarely understand what any of the Republican candidates are talking about, but zany Newt? That I get.
The thing of it is, folks are being a little critical of Mitt for stooping to such low name calling, but I think a lot of people are missing the point. A guy who proudly announces that his campaign has gained the support of Christine O'Donnell, former Senate candidate and witchcraft practitioner, is obviously no stranger to zany, probably even thinks of it as a good thing. Let's face it, O'Donnell makes Newt seem pretty middle of the road.
Mitt himself may not be casting magical spells while he's busy casting aspersions, but that doesn't mean he's got his own two feet firmly planted. Married to the same woman for forty-two years? The same church all his life? Seems pretty zany to me. At the very least somewhat masochistic and misguided. But, then again, consider the source. Nobody has ever accused me of being sane or even remotely clear headed. Not recently, at any rate.
I kind of like zany people, actually, and now that Mitt has put a finger on Newt's "problem," I'm actually feeling sort of kindly toward Newt. Yes, I know that zany may be fun at a cocktail party and maybe not so much at the helm of a government, but gosh, except for the Republican presidential debates, Washington can be so boring sometimes. It's not like I'm looking for Qaddafi kind of zany, but a little quirkiness might not be such a bad thing. They all flip flop, they all get into bed with strange bedfellows, they all have skeletons in their closets. And you have to be a little zany to want the job in the first place, so a little overt kookiness may be just what the country needs.
As Forrest Gump would say, "zany is as zany does." Let's see if Newt can live up to the task.
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