Let's review. She's a tall hot blond. He's a short chubby guy. They achieved notoriety by crashing a state dinner at the White House. And their lives, as far as we know, are a perennial script in progress for reality TV. Just your average couple in the split level down the street, the kind of folks you run into at the corner grocery store. Except now he's shopping solo, since she ran off with a rock star. Shocking.
Tareq was on television shedding crocodile tears. It almost made me want to run over to his house with a casserole. Naturally, he's devastated. Without Michaela on his arm, he's just a short chubby middle aged guy. We all remember her red dress from the state dinner, but does anyone have a clue as to what he was wearing? The best he'll do on his own on the reality TV circuit is a spot on The Biggest Loser. I'd be crying too.
It's just that I can think of countless other scenarios that would be a tad more newsworthy than a self aggrandizing publicity hound running off with a rock star. Like say, a potato-esque broad being whisked away from her double wide by, well, anybody. And not even at gunpoint. Now that would be something to write home about.
Maybe I'm just bitter, jealous that nobody pays me much attention. (Negative attention doesn't count.) My therapist tells me to stop obsessing about things I cannot control and to focus on that which I can. I think I'm gonna pitch my own reality show -- Real Housewives of the Trailer Park. I'll clean up real nice -- get that missing tooth replaced -- and before you know it I'll be gettin' engraved invitations to just about everywhere.
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