Bread, salt, sugar? Or is it bread, a broom, sugar, and candles? Or maybe bread, salt, sugar, and wine?
There are a variety of theories out there as to what one should bring as a gift to a new Jewish home, and just as many theories as to why. Bread seems to be on every list, some say as a symbol of abundance and freedom from hunger. Others say it's what Russian royalty expected when they paid a visit. Whatever. Everyone loves bread. Salt, for flavor, and sugar for sweetness. Makes sense. Wine -- who cares why? Wine always makes sense.
The broom and candles came to me in an edict from my mother, who has commanded me from the mountain (okay, well, the apawtment) to bring these traditional Jewish housewarming gifts to my daughter when she moves into her new apartment today. Not surprisingly, mom offered no biblical explanation for the items, not even a reason steeped in tradition. It's just what one does, so I had better do it, and I will, because I do not want to be struck by lightning or, worse still, be badgered incessantly.
But what does one bring to the mom, the woman left behind as she launches her oldest child into the "real world?" A box of tissues? A photo album? A cleaning crew to help with the hurricane-like aftermath of the move? I'll need all of those things.
And wine. Definitely wine.
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