Imagine Hitler, his left arm around a Jew, his Nazi salute arm stretched comfortably around a newly married gay couple. Eva smiles coyly nearby, in her "hers" uniform.
RNC, night two. A black ex-con gets a pardon, and five brown people get to bypass the cages and become citizens of a country whose passports are as good as toilet paper. I assume their ballots will be Fedex-ed.
Yes, I watched, and yes, I woke up this morning with a nightmare hangover, though I cannot remember any dreams. Oddly, I only remember hearing one speech. Radical left. Socialists. Hunter Biden. Billions in taxes. China virus. God. God. God. And, of course, my father. Not to be confused with God. I could be wrong.
Other than a sentimental reminiscence about the ravages of a pandemic from Larry Kudlow (is he back on coke?), there was no mention of the almost 200 thousand dead. No mention of the latest police atrocity in Kenosha. A lot of emphasis on the carnage from which we need to save the country, though that carnage (correct me if I'm wrong) seems to have occurred under 45's watch.
I am terrified, frankly. In 2016 the excuse was "trying something new." So now what? As unfathomable as it is, this shit might work, again, even though the last three years, eight months has seemed like a lifetime, anything but "new." A president, backed by a silent party and a screaming cast of buffoons, is openly violating actual statutes and longstanding norms and basic government ethics, and the media is airing it in real time and giving it oxygen. Shame on me for watching, but curiosity got the best of me.
The House is investigating. Whoop-de-doo. Most of the people I know are horrified, wringing their hands, shaking their heads. Two more nights of this horror flick to come, and then the real shit starts to fly. And who knows what Bill Barr (who reminds me of a poop emoji) is cooking up for October?
We live in a country where freedom of religion and freedom of speech and "law and order" have asterisks. What would Republicans do? Dems, figure it out.